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Our upcoming Golf Tournament, as part of the broader E-commerce event on July 11, promises an exciting mix of competition and camaraderie. Whether you’re a seasoned golfer or a beginner, we’ve got something to ensure that your experience is both enjoyable and rewarding.

The Golf Tournament begins at 14.00 and will wrap up by 18.00. This part of the event is specifically designed for experienced players. If you’re ready to showcase your skills and engage in some friendly competition, this is the perfect arena for you. The tournament will be conducted following standard golf rules, ensuring a fair and engaging challenge for everyone.

One important aspect of the tournament is the inclusion of handicaps. To level the playing field and enable players of different skill levels to compete against each other, handicap points will be factored in. This means your net score will be calculated based on your gross score and your handicap. For those unfamiliar, a golf handicap is a numerical measure of a golfer’s potential ability. In essence, it acts as an equalizer, making it possible for players of varying abilities to compete against one another.

As the tournament proceeds, you’ll have the chance to traverse the beautiful golf course, challenge yourself, and potentially claim victory. Remember, golf isn’t just about the competition – it’s about enjoying the game, the outdoors, and the company of fellow E-commerce entrepreneurs.

Once the tournament concludes, the day doesn’t end there. Participants are invited to join the afterparty and networking event starting at 19.00. This is your chance to unwind, share your experiences from the day, and connect with other attendees in a more relaxed and informal setting.

We look forward to seeing you on the green!

E-commerce Golf 2023


Klubi tee 4, Manniva, 74217 Harju maakond

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